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BFC's Utility Library Classes
Extending MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes)

Base One's class libraries are an extension of MFC, an essential component of Visual Studio.BFC is a large, integrated collection of class libraries, broken down into subsystems that can be understood separately. A standard BFC application uses four basic low level libraries as underpinnings: the Utility, Database, Screen, and Application libraries (derived in that order). The lowest level subsystem is the Utility Library (B1ULib), which has a set of useful utility classes, which aid programmers in handling dates, times, strings, 16 to 32 bit conversion, internationalization, parsing, file compression, error handling, etc.

The BFC String Plus Class, clsStrPlus, is an example of a class built by extending an MFC class, in this case, CString. On the other hand, the error classes and the DLL management classes are examples of utility classes built from scratch, starting either with MFC CObject or no base class at all.

The Utility library provides services to all the other subsystems but knows nothing of their existence. In other words, no header files from any other BFC library are included in the Utility library. The Utility library underlies all other BFC subsystems. Besides being heavily used by the rest of BFC, the Utility library makes available a large set of foundation classes for use by application programmers. The Utility library includes classes such as:

clsUtilMgr (Utility Manager class)
clsSharedAppInfo, clsModulInfoBase, clsDLLBase
(Resource DLL Base class)
For supporting sharing of information and resources between the modules (DLLs and EXE) of an application, checking version numbers for compatibility, extracting modules' system information, dynamic loading of DLLs and providing trace and other debug information.
clsUtilException (Utility Exception class)
clsRetCodInfo (Return Code Information class)
For generic exception handling that includes system, BFC and programmer defined errors, based on a unified set of return codes and associated messages.
clsStrPlus (String Plus class)
For storing, converting, trimming, padding, concatenating with other data types, handling escape characters, word wrap, operating on numerics, loading from a resource, etc.
clsDate, clsTime, clsDateTim
For storing, converting, formatting and doing calculations with dates and times.
For efficient access to disk files, compression and uncompression, file name and path manipulations, creation and automated cleanup of temporary files, switching directories, etc.
For creating daily log files for end users, with functions for writing strings to the log and automatically keeping the log file length manageable.
For parsing a string or file, including handling statement terminators, key words, operators, macros for substitution, comments, escape sequences, etc.

BFC Utility Classes Hierarchy Chart

BFC Utility Classes Hierarchy Chart

"We needed a tool that would allow us to quickly and simply create a payroll system with dozens of screens and maintenance routines. We found BFC [Base/1 Foundation Component Library]  and have been thrilled with the results. Using the BFC classes helped to make the development of multi-page maintenance routines simple and bulletproof. ... And the Utility classes provide a robust and substantial expansion of the capability provided by the MFC classes."

John Lapenta, Director of Development, Entel Systems

BFC | Visual Studio | Database Technology | Distributed Computing | Screen Classes

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